Can you make money through random videos? Yes, you can. That is as long as you are on a video streaming platform and have a good audience. And what are the biggest Video Streaming Platforms out there? YouTube is one of the biggest sources of mobile entertainment and video streaming website/ mobile apps. If you have been using this platform for any duration, you should have heard the term “Youtube Monetization.” But have you ever wondered what it is? It simply means the process of earning money from YouTube. This is how a lot of youtube create earn their living. They earn through YouTube. And we find a question that is frequent among many young creators “How to monetize a YouTube channel?”
This is not a hard process if we are, to be honest. Once you get through the initial hurdle of gaining a few thousand loyal followers, you can easily get your channel monetized. You must sign up for a few contracts and agree to YouTubes terms and conditions. And as long as you stick with the YouTube Community Guidelines, you can constantly earn money.
The way this works is through YouTube ads. We all know those annoying ads that appear in the middle of videos. Well, this is the primary way how a YouTuber earns money. But that being said, ads are not the only way how one can monetize a YouTube Channel. Here we will be talking about different ways how to monetize a youtube channel and how to earn money from YouTube. But before we begin, let’s know the requirements to monetize a YouTube Channel and join YouTubes Partner Program.
Requirements to Monetize a YouTube Channel

As with everything that pays, there are a few requirements you need to meet before you join YouTubes partner program. After all, YouTube won’t just pay you money without knowing you can earn it. And the way you do this is by getting views and subscribers. This is the primary motto behind YouTube after all. You make good video content, attract viewers to YouTube and towards your channel, and get them hooked on your videos. But since this is a lengthy process, monetizing a YouTube Channel is rather easy to accomplish in initial conditions. All you need to do is:
- Get 1000 Subscribers
- Get 4000 organic watch hours within 12 months
- Sign terms and Conditions
- Get an Adsense Account
For those who don’t know what an Adsense account is, it is an account that you can show to earn money by showing ads on various google accounts. Since YouTube is owned by Google and the primary way to monetize a YouTube channel is through ads, you need an Adsense account.
Steps to Monetize a YouTube Channel

Now that you know the requirements to monetize a YouTube Account, you might as well start doing it right away. Given that you have 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of organic view time in the past year, all you need to do is click a few times, wait for a while, monetize your YouTube account, and join YouTubes partner program.
The steps to monetize a YouTube Channel are:
- Click on your YouTube Profile
- Go to “YouTube Studio”
- Click on the Navigation Bar on the left
- Click on “Monetization”
- Click on “Apply Now”
After you do this, you will be presented with YouTubes Terms and Policies and its community Guidelines. Read them carefully and memorize them. Once you agree to these terms and guidelines, YouTube will send your account for verification. For this, you will need to use your mobile number.
But once the account has been verified, you can earn money from your YouTube. If you find it hard to get subscribers from your YouTube content alone, you can promote it on different social media and platforms.
It should be noted that using someone else’s music goes against their community standards. So if you want/ need to use music without this issue, you should subscribe to epidemic sound. This is a sound gallery where you can legally choose from over 35000 sound music tracks and 90,000 sound effects for your video.
How Much Can earn from YouTube?

Whenever it comes to answers with a lot of variables, we simply answer by saying “it depends”. This is the same case for your earnings from YouTube as well.
Factors affecting YouTube earnings
There are a lot of factors that affect how much you can earn from Youtube. Some of these factors are within your control, while others are some that you have no control over. Some of these factors are:
- Total views on your Videos
- Total hours of Videos viewed
- The total amount of ads played
- Geography of average viewership
While the first three points are relatively easy to understand, you might get confused about how the geography of average viewership affects your earnings from Youtube.
Simply put, a few countries pay more per 1000 views (cost per Mille or CPM) in ads than others. Due to this, if you get higher views from countries that pay high CPM, you will earn more money when compared to those that pay less CPM. Generally, countries from Europe and ones like the USA, Canada, Australia, and Japan have a higher COM. So if you are serious about earning money by Monetizing a YouTube channel, you should aim your viewership toward these countries.
Average Earnings from Monetization of YouTube Channel

A YouTube Channel with average viewership in the countries generally earns up to $0.10 to $0.30 per ad view. This is a range between Npr 12 and 36. This is not a lot of money, but if you are an established YouTuber with high viewers in countries with high CPM, you can earn up to $3 to $5 (Npr 361 – Npr 603) per video per 1000 views.
The first average estimation was on the pessimistic side, and the latter was on the optimistic side. Now let’s talk about a realistic estimate. If you are an average YouTuber with decent subscribers and views, you will realistically earn somewhere around $1 or $2 per video per 1000 views. This is equivalent to making Npr 120 or Npr 241 per 1000 views.
Now, considering the difficulty in making and getting the views, the earnings won’t justify the effort. Unless you are someone who can get millions of views on each video, you will need to use some other methods.
Do remember even those YouTubers with millions of Subscribers only get around 200,000 to 400,000 views if they have loyal ones on each video on a good day.
Earning Money On YouTube besides Adsense

As we mentioned earlier, unless you are a youtube celebrity who can get millions of views per video, it is not practical to depend on AdSense alone to earn a living on YouTube. But thankfully, there are a few other reliable ways how you can earn money on YouTube despite the fluctuating ad revenue.
Here are some methods on how you can do it.
1) SuperChat Live Stream Donations

This method of earning money is similar to Twitch Subs and TikTok Stickers. The only difference is that it shows your message instead of showing how much a person donated or stickers.
This is a great way to earn money if you have interactive subscribers who love you. The good thing about this is that even if you don’t have many subscribers, you can make a good amount through this method as long as you have a few loyal ones. The only chink is that you will have to go live on YouTube constantly and for a significant time.
As for the donation system, it is quite simple. The more they donate, the more highlighted their chat messages will be. The price range and the method of highlight are as follows:
- $1 – $1.99 (Npr 120 – 240): Colored Balloon Blown up
- $2 – $4.99 (Npr 241 – 601): Emoji Baloon Blown up
- $5 – $9.99 (Npr 603 – 1205): Star Wars Balloon Blown up
- $10 – $19.99 (Npr 1206 – 2411): Bubble Machine
- $10 – $49.99 (Npr 1206 – 6030): Confetti cannon blast
- $50 – $99.99 (Npr 6031 – 12061): Confetti cannon blast and Bubble Machine
- $100 (Npr 12062) : Multi-Camera Confetti Cannon Slow-Mo
All of these will be done while the chat of the doner is highlighted in bright colors. But as you can guess, getting a donation of $100 in super chat can be a bit hard. Since the currency rate is converted into USD, you will likely get more donations from viewers where USD is not expensive like in Britain or the rest of Europe.
2) Crowdfunding

This is another method of earning money through YouTube. For those unaware of what crowdfunding is, it is collecting money from a large number of people, with each person contributing a small amount. You can do this by asking for donations. Most YouTubers who earn money through crowdfunding do this through Patreon, where they charge you a small amount (typically a few $) for a particular version of their YouTube Videos.
This is a rather effective way of earning money through YouTube without being reliant on their Adsense. You will technically be earning money from YouTube Viewers, but rather than paying you directly via super chat; they will be supporting you through an indirect platform. This is a more popular form of earning money through YouTube compared to Superchat for a few reasons.
The first reason is that the creator doesn’t have to engage with their audience actively; hence there will be less effort. The second reason is that crowdfunding platforms are generally cheaper. For instance, you can pay $5 per month for a month of exclusive/uncensored content on Patreon. The cheaper something is, the more likely will the audience pay.
3) Sponsorship
We all have heard of this method. This is one of content creators’ most popular methods of earning on YouTube. But the good thing about earning money through sponsorship on YouTube is that as long as you have good content and adequate viewers, you don’t even need to look for sponsorships.
Many sponsors on youtube are constantly looking for content creators to advertise their products for a price. You may even know a few of these sponsors. Some of the popular ones are:
- SurfShark VPN
- Audible
- NordVPN
- SkillShare
- Dollar Shave Club
- SeatGeek
- Honey
- Vessi Shoes
- Plarium (Raid Shadow Legends)
Some of these sponsors are so frequent that they have almost become meme material. For instance, Raid Shadow Legends and Nord VPN are some of the most famous names for small to mid-range content creators. As long as their content is casual, you will find this name among small and mid-level content creators.
On the flip side, you can ask for sponsorship as well. All you need to do is request them from relevant companies. And once you do this, promote their product for 1 to 3 minutes and get your viewers to buy it. You will receive money based on your deal.
4) Merch Selling

Can you make money through random videos? Yes, you can. That is as long as you are on a video streaming platform and have a good audience. And what is the biggest Video Streaming Platforms out there? It’s YouTube. If you have been using this platform for any duration, you should have heard the term “Youtube Monetization.” But have you ever wondered what it is? It simply means the process of earning money from YouTube. This is how a lot of youtube create earn their living. They earn through YouTube. And we find a question that is frequent among many young creators “How to monetize a YouTube channel?”
This is not a complicated process if we are, to be honest. Once you get through the initial hurdle of gaining a few thousand loyal followers, you can quickly get your channel monetized. You must sign up for a few contracts and agree to YouTubes terms and conditions. And as long as you stick with the YouTube Community Guidelines, you can constantly earn money.
This way, not only will you earn money from your merch, but you will also gain more loyalty from your fans. As we mentioned, you can make merch out of anything. For instance, Markiplier sells his merch in hoodies, shirts, and other wear. Along with this, we have content creators like Odd1sout and Jaiden Animation with their cute plush, along with panda Cups and Mousepads from MXR Plays.
The point is, as long as you have a loyal fan base willing to support you and your channel, you can earn money from YouTube without relying on Adsense – as long as you create a product.
Before we Go,

Let’s end this talk about Monetizing a YouTube channel and “how to earn on YouTube,” with a few side notes about splitting the profit with Youtube and failing to get into YouTube Partners Program.
Although the chances are low, you can still get rejected from getting into YouTube Partners Program while monetizing a YouTube channel. In such cases, you can still reapply a month later. But we recommend you read the Community Guidelines properly and find out why you got rejected. Once you find out the reason and fix the issue, your chances of getting into the YouTube Partners Program will increase significantly.
In this instance, it will take a month for YouTube to review your application.
About your earnings, you will have to give youtube a certain amount of it. You will be giving 45% of Adsense revenue and 30% of your earnings from Super chats. YouTube charges this amount for providing you with the platform to earn said money.
So basically, you will be splitting your earnings with YouTube based on 55-45 on ad revenue and 70-30 on super chat revenue. One last thing before we go, you will need to make $100 before you can transfer your YouTube money into your bank, and it can take up to 2 months for it to arrive.