Sun exposure is needed for all of us. Our bodies produce vitamin D when the skin is exposed to the sun, which helps the body absorb calcium for more robust and healthier bones. The vitamin D that most people need (and the majority of vitamin D needs should receive a healthy diet and supplements) takes only a little time in the sun. Along with this, sun exposure also aids in maintaining and overcoming your mental health as well. If you didn’t know, lack of sun exposure (or vitamin D) could lead to depression and other issues.
However, did you know that over-exposure to the sun can lead to sun damaging your skin?
Too many unprotected UV rays can cause damage to the skin, eye damage, suppression of the immune system, and cancer of the skin. You can develop skin cancer at just about any age. While this will depend on several risk factors, without proper sun protective rays, the UVA and UVB rays can indeed cause harm to you.
Tips to protect your skin!

Did you know that it only takes 15 minutes in the sun to damage your skin? Before you head outside to enjoy the warm weather and sunshine, here’s what you need to know about sun safety and how to protect your skin.
1)Use sunscreen all the time
An SPF number is assigned to screens that measure their efficacy with ultraviolet (UV) ray blocking. More numbers indicate a greater degree of protection. Even on cool or slightly cloudy days, ample sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 15 should be used. A large spectrum on a product label refers to the radioactive exposure of sunscreen filters UVA rays and UVB rays. UVA and UVB rays penetrate the skin in-depth and are the leading cause of early aging and skin cancer. UVB rays influence the skin’s surface and cause sunburn. Place thick sunscreen layers on all areas of the skin you’re exposed to. Get assistance in places like your back that are difficult to reach. Some other things to remember when using sunscreen are:
- Wears off the sunscreen. Please restart it when you remain in the sun for more than two hours after you swim, sweat or towel away.
- The sunscreen has a shelf life of not more than three years without an expiration date, but its shelf life is less when exposed to high temperatures. Please check the expiry date of your sunscreen.
- Some of the same chemicals used in sunscreens are in some makeup and lip balsams. Don’t use them alone if they don’t have at least SPF 15.
2) Sun exposure restriction

Between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm, sunlight is most intense. Practice the rule of the shadow: you should find a shade if your shadow is shorter than you. Keep babies always covered and in the shade younger than six months old. While we admit that you can’t always apply this sun safety measure, you should do it wherever possible. Along with this, wearing protective clothing is always a help.
3) Wear sunglasses and protective clothing
Make sure your shirt is long, and a hat shades the face, neck, and ears. Dark clothing with tight tissue blocks sunshine over white or twisted fabrics. Look for clothes made of special sun protection materials for added protection. Make sure 99% to 100% UV absorption is available in your sunglasses.
While we admit that you will feel more heat, especially if you wear dark clothes, it prevents sun damage. That said, you can always wear protective clothing that doesn’t observe much sun rays.
4) Watch the UV index
Be careful. This numerical scale measures how harmful the sun can be on any day. The weather report is often included. At or above the index, people should try to stay indoors.
5) Pay attention to reflective surfaces

Water, snow, and sand are reflected in the sun’s damaging rays and increase your sunburn risk.
6) Think of your outfit
You may be protected against UV rays by long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and skirts. The best protection is offered by tightening fabrics. A wet T-Shirt offers considerably less UV protection than a dry one and is a darker color. Certain internationally certified clothing is specially designed to provide UV protection. Try wearing a T-shirt or beach shell when this type of clothing isn’t practical. Please note that a traditional T-shirt has an SPF rating of less than 15, so use other protective types.
Each child must be protected from the sun. The lighter the natural skin color of someone, the more melanin they have to absorb UV rays and protect themselves. The darker a person is, the more melanin they have and the natural skin color. But dark and light-skinned children need UV protection since tanning or burning damages their skin.
Sun is essential to our life; it gives us light, heat, and food to eat. Along with the obvious perks, you also get an unseen benefit in mental health. However, the sun also presents you with a lot of risk factors for your skin. Without careful consideration of your skin, minor issues such as age spots and blemishes can easily occur. So, it is extremely important to consider the type of clothing you wear, the UVA and UVB of your sunscreen, and its expiration date.
If you want to enjoy the sun but implement disease control and prevention from the issues caused by the sun, Sunscreen and sunblock are a must. Besides this, it is also a good idea to use organic summer drinks to stay hydrated as well.
We hope you found this helpful. And as always, thank you for reading till the end.