artificial intelligence

AI: English Mathematician Alan brought the first concept of Artificial intelligence in 1950 Turing. He published a computing machinery and intelligence titled paper and many years later the word Artificial Intelligence came up.

Robots and AI have brought a lot of efficiency and ease to the huge industry. They are replacing many humans. Alan Turing introduced the concept of AI but the first Artificial Intelligence program came out later in December of 1955. Herbert Simon and Allen Newell were the ones who developed the Logic Theorist. The program proved mathematical theorems.

About 21st Century Humanoid Robot

Source: Youtube

The concept of AI has come a long way and now humans have even developed an artificial human being, Sophia.

David Hanson invented her from Hanson Robotics, Hong Kong in 2016. They even granted her the nationality of Saudi Arabia, making her the first robot ever to have a nationality. We can see that there are voice assistants like Google, Siri, Cortana Bixby, and Alexa. They are software based on Artificial Intelligence. It has developed after collecting years of data from normal people.

Programmers who have developed some kind of thinking inside them to analyze and answer questions and do tasks. They can help us find quick answers and do simple tasks like calling someone with voice commands. They aren’t capable enough to think themselves when it comes to answering something analytically. The main thing that artifical intelligence (AI technologies) and robots lack is thinking of their own. They can only be given specific instructions and tasks but they cannot think of something new on their own.

Interesting Words

A decade ago if someone talked about Artificial Intelligence then people would laugh about it. They thought it was not possible but now artifical intelligence (AI technologies) is used in many places. Like in our phones, automobiles, houses, computers, and other machines. Although humans think that they understand what AI is. It is a broad term and has been widening day by day. With new advancements going on.

The robots with AI used in large-scale industries are capable of doing simple tasks. Like assembling and lifting and detecting defective products but they can malfunction. If there is an error in the system it might not detect which in the case of humans does not occur. Humans know when they can’t work if they made a mistake. If a machine makes a mistake then that mistake is seen by a human. Strategy, content creation, management, and creativity are something that can’t simply be programmed into a computer.

The uniqueness that humans possess is irreplaceable no matter how advanced the machines and Artificial Intelligence get. There might be a high number of people whose work might be done by robots. AI is more efficient and faster. People think they understand artifical intelligence (AI technologies) but Stephen Hawking told BBC, “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of humans. It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever-increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete, and would be superseded.”

ai human hand and robot hand

Some Words from Experts

With comments from people like Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, and Gary Scott on the contrary side saying that AI is likely to bring a problem to humans. Some even say that AI is going to end human civilization. We have seen movies like I, Robot, and Terminator. How dangerous robots with AI can get and the destruction they can cause.

Artificial Intelligence has come a long way there’s a lot of room for improvement because the AI that we have around can barely think on its own.

For speed and efficiency, humans might not even think about competing with them, but for learning and innovations, machines can’t compete with humans.

Muscle work robots and AI are much better which is why Gabriel Dalporto has said that “A billion people will lose their jobs over the next 10 years because of AI, and COVID has sped up that by about nine years,” says Dalporto.

“If you tried to re-skill a billion people in the university system, you would break the university system.”

There is news that over 7 million Australian jobs are going to be replaced by augmented robots and artificial intelligence in the next 15 years according to the Australian Computer Society.

AI: English Mathematician Alan brought the first concept of Artificial intelligence in 1950 Turing. He published a computing machinery and intelligence titled paper and many years later the word Artificial Intelligence came up.

Robots and AI have brought a lot of efficiency and ease to the huge industry. They are replacing many humans. Alan Turing introduced the concept of AI but the first Artificial Intelligence program came out later in December of 1955. Herbert Simon and Allen Newell were the ones who developed the Logic Theorist. The program proved mathematical theorems.

So, is AI going to end the human race?

In all honesty, there is no simple answer to this question but it is a possibility. Machine learning is advancing at a rapid pace and it is extremely possible that a few decades to a century later, deep learning and machine learning will be advanced enough to compete with human fluid intelligence. 

That said, the people behind Ai are well aware of the risks and while they are making artificial intelligence better, they are also controlling the protocols as well. The chances of Terminator or I-Robot happening in real life is relatively low, at least for the same time. Let’s be honest here – while ai bots like Sophia and Ameca are indeed creepy and lifelike, they still are extremely crude. So the event of Ai being the end of humanity is far into the future.

AI – the next step of human evolution 

ai and human part

Ai is quite popular among data scientists and data science at present and the demand will only grow with time. While there are indeed many people who think that artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race, artificial intelligence ai is also thought of as the next logical step in human evolution. As a species, many believe that we have already achieved the peak state in biological evolution. While we are far from perfect beings our evolution has reached an all-time slow because of our intelligence.

Our biology is average but we are more or less among the smartest living beings on earth, even though it may seem otherwise at times. Integrating Is AI going to end the human race?

In the end,

Is artificial intelligence ai going to end the human race? Probably yes! But since we are aware of the bleak future (thank you dark Si-Fi movies), we can take precautions against it. At this point, we can just hope that our future will be humans evolving into androids and not being enslaved by terminators. 

We hope you found this interesting. And as always, thank you for reading till the end.

By Anna

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